Giant Tops competition

Started by ta0, May 17, 2012, 08:52:03 AM

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woooooooow  fantastic   realy  is fantastic



Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on October 17, 2016, 05:39:54 PM
I have never tried regenerating on a unicycle but this activity sure has me considering it.
Mm. I would say orbits or half-orbits so you can keep them high and not interfere with your knees.
But it would be a difficult challenge!


If it cant trick or fight who cares? This is a good way of breaking your back. Most of them are solid and one of them weighs about 230 pounds. True I would never want to get one these guys mad at me - but nobody wants to beat up an old man.


POP TOP - I'm still waiting for you to come by and throw ROSIE. I want to see it do the double body cork screw before I'm GONE.