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Mexico Top Visit

Started by ta0, March 01, 2012, 10:51:17 PM

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I just bought tickets to go to Mexico City the first week of April (Easter week).  I'll be visiting Salvador and Gustavo, of course   ;D ;D 8) 8) Gus has spoken with the owner of Trompos Cometa and he has invited me to visit the plant in Cuernavaca (about an hour and a half to the south). He said I will probably get to meet other demonstrators (Carlos, Salvador de la Rosa . . .).  Both Gus and Salvador said I will have some intense trompo sessions!  This will be TOPS!

Of course, I will have a camera and Figaro with me  ;)


A trompo masters meeting ;)
I am looking forward to seeing lots of videos from this trip.


This is wonderful, i think i will ship to you something to test  ;)



Quote from: MrYo on March 02, 2012, 09:42:55 AM
This is wonderful, i think i will ship to you something to test  ;)


;D ;D ;D ;D

Gustin Joss

Quote from: MrYo on March 02, 2012, 09:42:55 AM
This is wonderful, i think i will ship to you something to test  ;)


I can go ahead and test some things, too. Just ship them to Ta0.

Gustin Joss

That is awesome! I am quite envious.

the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Erratic Wobbler

Watts' Tops

Have a great time.  Would love to visit the plant there some time.
Watts' Tops
Prov. 3:5-6


That is going to be an amazing trip !!!
To everything turn, turn, turn..................

Larry D.

Wow, it sure does sound like it will be TOPS!  8)

Remember to take many extra empty suitcases with you so you can bring back lots of
goodies for all of us.  ???

Have a great time ta0!  :)


¡kema! ¡tiaui!
Será algo muy fructífero, sin duda alguna. Sería muy bueno, que, alguien llevará el registro de encuentros de jugadores de trompo en el mundo, desde fechas muy antiguas, hasta los tiempos modernos...los viajes de ta0, los viajes de Gustavo, los campeonatos en USA, en Europa..los eventos organizados por Jim en París..etc..en fin...
¡Acá te esperaremos, Jorge!



Would you be able to pick me up a Green Cobra or Orion?  ;D  I could PayPal you with the costs of the tops, shipping, your troubles. 


Enjoy taking my tops for a spin


QuoteRemember to take many extra empty suitcases with you so you can bring back lots of goodies for all of us.  ???

QuoteWould you be able to pick me up a Green Cobra or Orion?  ;D  I could PayPal you with the costs of the tops, shipping, your troubles. 

Well, if I let Salvador he would send me back with a container of tops to sell . . .  Unfortunately, I don't have the time or the drive to do what I did before, distributing 500+ Mexican tops. Preparing all those priority mail packages takes time I want to use for other things.  Obviously, I will bring back tops for my collection and a few others for trading, prizes and gifts.  But after being on "spintop vacation" for a week and the show in Laredo just a couple of weeks later, I don't see myself preparing any packages in April. Perhaps in May.  ;)

the Earl of Whirl

This is the first I have heard you hint of all the time and work it took to distribute all those tops.  I know that took lots of effort, yet you did it without complaint.  It made a big difference in the top spinning community.  Thanks for all of that.  Certainly no one expects you to do that again.  Enjoy your trip and bring us back lots of stories.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!