Who's got the Spintastics patches?

Started by ta0, January 05, 2012, 01:16:45 PM

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Over at Pulp's forum there is a lot of activity with trick posts, as there is a group of players advancing at about the same pace and encouraging each other.  One of the things they have been doing is completing the requirements for the Spintastics Award Patch program (download pdf). I wonder how many here have the patches? I know SirBoot recently tested for a couple of them with Dale (at my house).

As a reminder, the list is:

8-Trick Top Award

Hackey Top
Arm Walker
Merry Go Round
Crazy Eight

16-Trick Top Award

Wire Walker
Rock the Baby
Texas Cowboy
Rollercoaster to Hand (3)
Hop the Fence

24-Trick Top Award

Around the World
Wire Walker 2
Trapeze behind back
Rollercoaster to string (10)
Drumbeat (10)

Freestyle Top Award

Perform continuously for one minute on one throw of the top, utilizing a minimum of six tricks, including two different regeneration tricks. Ball bearing top may NOT be used for this award.

Instructor Top Award

List two persons you have trained who have earned their 8 trick award.


I've got my 8 and 16 trick patch and am practicing for the 24.  Around the worlds must be practiced over soft surfaces!

the Earl of Whirl

I am happy to report that these patches moved me right along in my top spinning progress.  I have all of them and have fond memories of getting my freestyle patch late one night in front of a tiring Dale Oliver (after my many attempts).  I also have good memories of getting my 24 trick patch on the world stage in 2007 during the compulsaries.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Gustin Joss

I have 8 and 16. I have the ability to do the 24 and freestyle. It is just a matter of getting certified. Ta0, can you act as Dale's proxy or do I have to make a video?

The one trick that is challenging yet is the behind the back trapeze. For me, it is a blind behind the back trapeze that finds its mark one out of three times.


I have all five, and a bunch of my kids have patches as well...lots of 8 patches and a hand full of 16's and higher.


Quote from: SirBoot32 on January 05, 2012, 08:03:49 PM
I have 8 and 16. I have the ability to do the 24 and freestyle. It is just a matter of getting certified. Ta0, can you act as Dale's proxy or do I have to make a video?
Yes, I should be able to certify you (but I don't have the extra patches, you'll have to get those from Spintastics). On the other hand, it would be nice if you made the Freestyle patch video  ;)

I guess I should confess something: although I have all the patches, I never officially tested for them!  :-[  I only asked Dale for the patches around 2006, to have in my collection. That was after I had done several advanced compulsories and freestyles on stage, plus posted tutorials, etc., so I received a waiver  ;)

the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!



I have the official's five and the Spintastics big logo one.
  Greetings: Jorge Sanjuan.



Only the 8 I have the 16 and 24, I'm preparing the patch freestyle  >:D >:D >:D


I tested SirBoot32 this afternoon and now Justin got his 24 patch. We were at the park and the only Spintastics tops we had were all fix tip, so he did all with a fix tip QS hybrid.  He had to learn around the world in the spot. He had told me he could not do behind-the-back trapeze but he did two in a row.


the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Gustin Joss

Thank you. It turns out around the world was something I had never tried before.  :-\ I will post a freestyle video here in the next coupla days. I need to learn barrel rolls first.


Gustin Joss

Quote from: SirBoot32 on January 22, 2012, 09:55:16 PM
I need to learn barrel rolls first.

Ok, thanks to Professor Neff's video and ta0's in-person critiques, I can now check barrel rolls off of the list. Next stop, snap start club.