Hello everyone!

Started by woodguy, December 22, 2011, 05:45:32 PM

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Hi all. just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Russ, i live in connecticut with my family. im a woodturner( for fun) . As a kid i played with tops i had a shoebox full of them and i wish i had them now, but like baseball cards they vanished and i havent touched a top since.When i started wood turning i made pens , pencils , bowls etc. i started thinking about the wooden tops i had as a kid and i thought i can make one .so three days later i made four. had trouble with tips for the tops . so online i went , found Alan Grey and hes helped out alot ( thank you)
anyway if anyone out there has any pointers for me that would be great. He also told me about this site and its great.. so for now happy holidays to all of you and happy spinning.

Larry D.

Welcome Russ!    :)
Great to have new members and especially wood turner/spinners!  ;D
Can you post some photos when you have a chance and share your creations with us?

Happy Holidays!

the Earl of Whirl

Welcome Russ.  Hope you enjoy your time with us.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Just in time for the holidays, Russ.  Welcome!  I've been known to turn a pen or two myself, but I haven't tried tops yet!


Welcome Russ!

I suggest you browse the Collecting and Modding board below. That is where you will find the wood turning threads.


yes welcome i suggest you learn how to throw it first

Dick Stohr

Welcome, RUSS.  Glad to have another woodturner here.  I live near DC and have been turning just over a year.  Made a few tops.  To pay for my trips to Woodcraft I have started selling at Craft Shows (well one so far) but have sold some pens, bottle stoppers, honey dippers, touch screen stylus, and spurtles.
Practice hard and play safe.

the Earl of Whirl

What?  lincolnrick has not turned any tops!!!!

This is a holiday time shocker.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Welcome!  Tips have been a bit tricky for me, especially the "shaped" tips we like for trick play.

On the other hand, simple steel tips are a bit easier.  I've used nails and rolled steel rods with good success.

Good luck!
Erratic Wobbler
