Hello to all from Spain¡¡

Started by trompillo, August 03, 2011, 08:10:12 AM

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Hello my name is Trompillo and I have come to this forum from Pulpowsky's forum, Thanks to all for doing sites as these ¡
A greeting to all¡
Sorry for my English... :-[

the Earl of Whirl

Hello to my good friend trompillo.  It is good to see you around these parts!  Your English is way better than my Spanish.

You will enjoy the company here.  We are fortunate to have many fine spinners as well as many fine people here.  I look forward to my every visit.  And now if you are here it will be even better yet!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Larry D.

Welcome to this Forum Trompillo.  It is good to have you with us.  :)


Welcome to the top forum trompilli.  Where in Spain do you live?


Thank you, I live in Valladolid, (Castila y León)


Erratic Wobbler


Please, share with all of us your marvellous avatar.
  Greetings: Jorge Sanjuan.



Hello pulp¡¡ do not worry, eso está hecho amigo¡ ;)