El Trompo en los medios / Anuncio de un candidato a gobernador.

Started by Ketzaltlipoka, July 08, 2011, 04:43:05 PM

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It´s here...

Eruviel Ávila - Spot Oficial Educación

It´s a very short tv spot, and the kid with the spinning top, appears on the second 24 to 27.
Accordiong with waht the candiadte says, it´s very possible that(given that the one  here was elected gobernator of the second more important state of the country last 3 of July) that he give to the childreen  tops to play like an educative toy. (With all the money they steall from the public finances, I´m very sure that it won´t be very expensive to give a top :P)

jim in paris

Salut Salvador ! Comment - va ?

We want some news !! :D :D

thanx for the vid : with the books of knowledge in the back ,  a white shirt no tie , and sincere eyes , he looks like a politician :-X

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"