New Spintastics Quicksilver (fixed tip)

Started by John Buechele, April 04, 2011, 02:42:37 PM

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What I'll do to avoid the lip of the tip, new tip or add a suplement?
  Greetings: Jorge Sanjuan.


A new custom tip would be my first choice.  Reshaping the top on the lathe is more effort, but should work too.  Probably not a bad idea if you want to drop a little weight?

I've been thinking about using some resin such as JB weld, epoxy or polyester resin (Bondo) to add a little material/thickness to the neck of my Salvador custom TG tips.  This approach should work to fill the QS ledge too.  If I get around to it, I'll take some pictures.
Erratic Wobbler


Anybody weighed the new quicksilvers yet?

I'm curious to know if the boddies are are about the same weight as before.  I suspect they might be a touch heavier, but I'd be pleasantly surprised if they weren't.  8)
Erratic Wobbler


So I been trying to post some pics of my modded QS, but I have a problem with the picture size, its to big, I dont know how to make it smaller, last time I tried I ended up with a cut up and zoomed in picture
Anyone got any suggestions?


Quote from: pplgrande on April 09, 2011, 11:29:24 PM
So I been trying to post some pics of my modded QS, but I have a problem with the picture size, its to big, I dont know how to make it smaller, last time I tried I ended up with a cut up and zoomed in picture
Anyone got any suggestions?

I have a limit on the board picture attachment feature because I don't want to slow the board with people attaching 12 megapixel photos.  If you want you can email them to me and I will do it for you. But there are free photo resizing/optimizing services and software on the web that can do that. However, on the long run you would like a to have a photo hosting service to link the pictures to and there are many free ones out there, and at least some provide you with links to resized versions of the photos. As I can host them myself I don't use them so somebody else can recommend one.  I would say Jim's thumbnail pictures are too small while mtntop pictures are a little too big (the board automatically resizes them for view but the file size remains the same).


Get Picasa by Google.  Free.  Automatically resizes them when you upload them.  Then just right click for the image URL, Plop it in your message, highlight it all and click the little picture icon above the first smiley on the left.  Ba-da-boom!


Quote from: Neff on April 10, 2011, 09:39:38 AM
Get Picasa by Google.  Free.   Ba-da-boom!

thank you for that information chris!


My old fixed tip QS (w/gooves) weighs ~128g total w/ aluminium cap.
The body alone is ~75g
A TG plastic cap is ~17g
An old style QS w/ plastic cap ~ 93g

What does the new one weigh?
Erratic Wobbler


New QS with plastic cap, on a cheap kitchen scale is ~100g.


Sorry poptop, I meant to do this before and forgot
96.8 grams, I used a digital scale and this is for the new Hybrid QS with Salvador's tip


More detailed weight

Body -78.8g (with point)
Cap  -17.5g
New QS -96.3g

The first time it was 96.8g, this was because of the tape


Thanks guys!  I had a hunch the new one would be a little chunkier.  Lighter would have been better, but it's easier to take weight off that add it back. ;)

My grooveless & polished QS ("Silver Surfer") weighs about 84g with plastic cap and shaped TG steel tip.  The body alone is only about 67g.  I much prefer the lighter weight.  8)

I believe Eric's original Silver Surfer (aka Quicker Silver) is even lighter.  Eric's weighs 104 or 105 with metal cap; the body alone should be about 55g (It would prolly be about 73 grams with a plastic cap--wow!)

Here's a link to Eric's original post and weights for the "Quicker Silver":

Here's a newer post with more weight details:

I believe Alan made one for himself too--I'd be curious to know what this one weighs.
Erratic Wobbler


That polished QS looks great, but from 128.5g to 104g is a big and noticible difference IMO, I prefer heavier trompos, but 128.5g seems to heavy, I never got to play with the old QS so im not really sure how it would play, but the new hybrid QS is great 96.8g
Now my modded hybrid QS (with a Diet RC cap) overall weight is 92.6g with the tape and it also play awesome, Im not really sure if is the weight or the size, is smaller with the modded cap
Overall this Hybrid QS play awesome when it come to regens, I dont really like the bearing version, I usually play with smaller trompos when it come to bearings and for wirewalkers I also prefer smaller lighter trompos
Thats just my opinion

Anybody knows if the old QS cap would fit the new QS? im curious on how the weight would affect the play
Anyone have a old QS cap they would like to sell?


wat one bad played with ppls and love it