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MOYO 2011

Started by Neff, March 18, 2011, 11:50:25 PM

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Tomorrow morning I will be heading to Missouri State Yo-Yo Contest at the City Museum in St. Louis.  I'll be busy all day, not sure if i'll even be able to see who won the drawing until Sunday when I get back :( 

But check this out:  Chris Ananda (MOYO organizer) invited a Japanese Spin Top Master, and he and I will be competing on stage for audience applause!  I'm pretty sure I did a show with this guy years ago, if it is the same guy, He is a koma master indeed.  He makes his own from peanut butter jar lids if I recall correctly...  Anyway, the winner gets this:

Fully loaded Sophia with 1wb on the bottom :D

If we have enough intermediate spin top players to have a little contest, the prize will instead go to them.


QuoteBut check this out:  Chris Ananda (MOYO organizer) invited a Japanese Spin Top Master, 
Could this be Dr. Hiroshi Tada, that college professor who gives traditional Japanese spintop shows out of a cart by the Arch?

Anyway, that full equipped Sofia is a dream prize!

the Earl of Whirl

I sure hope it is Dr. Tada.  I cannot wait to hear more of his story.  He sure has connected with a lot of people over the years through his street performing......including a number of people in the Dayton area!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!

Mark Magyar

My same thought. Could it be Dr. Hiroshi Tada?
and Peanut Butter jar lid koma spin tops? huh? would like to see one of those. and as Mike Hout can't wait to hear more of his story, I can't wait as well. Looking forward to hearing more about MOYO.

Mark Magyar

Hey! MOYO is today.  :o  3-19-11   :o


When I look at that picture of Dr. Tada, all I can think of is... "TA DA!"

I wish I could see you two battle it out on stage!  Oh man!  I can't wait to see the video at least :)


He was there!

I've got video too, I'll see what I can edit tomorrow.  Hiroshi didn't want to perform to music so he basically did his street routine without a microphone.  It went well despite the  crowd noise and thick accent :D.  Josh Parker threw some tops on stage also, but Rick Wyatt and Jack Ringca voted me first place, and by way of some mysterious process the Sophia went to Hiroshi and I got a Lynn Fury yo-yo :D

By the way Takeshi, he SAYS his last name like that, TAH-DAH!

I take it you've heard of him before ta0?  You too Mark, Mike, Takeshi?  I met him 10 years ago at a show and remembered him when I got back into tops, but couldn't find his business card.  He gave me a new one :D

jim in paris

hi chris

by way of some mysterious process the Sophia went to Hiroshi and I got a Lynn Fury yo-yo

very good "misdirection" trick , played with elegance  ;)


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Nice trick Chris  :D , as ususal i must agree with your choices. Congrats for the first place, do you play with the STB 2.0? What do you think about the setup's and different tip shapes for different play?



I met Dr. Hiroshi Tada many years ago when I took my top show to the St. Louis Art Museum during an Eames Exhibit.  He is very cool!
Don Olney
1237 E. Main St.
Rochester, NY 14609


That is really great!

I guess I did not include the link to the thread on the old board where we discussed him: link

Here he regenerates a koma:


Congrats to you both--sounds like a great time!

Must have been interesting to watch the Dr. play koma in "acrobatic" style up-close and all.  Chris, did you give his koma a spin?

I'd like to try one of the larger ones like he throws in the "Japanese Festival 2009" vid--looks like fun.
Erratic Wobbler


Larry D.

GREAT Video Chris! 
So much fun to watch.  Thanks for posting it!  :) :) :)

the Earl of Whirl

Well, from what I can see on the video, it doesn't appear that Dr. Tada has lost anything with his top spinning.  In fact, I saw him throw in a few moves that I didn't realize he could do.  He is still a bit of a mystery and I am anxious to hear more of the stories about him.

I didn't realize MOYO was at the City Museum in St. Louis.  That place is lengendary.  Some people around here have visited and can't stop talking about how unique it is.  That is definitely on my list of places to visit.  Glad you had a good event and a good time.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!