Looking to buy a spinning top

Started by jrcb07, November 22, 2010, 09:42:15 AM

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Ta0, do you still have one colored Gen 2 that I can buy? If I bought 1 colored and 1 professional do they weigh and feel about the same for spinning them together? (not that I can do that yet, but I can dream can't I)


I may have one blue Ultra Turbo left, depending of what topper answers but, as I told him, that one in particular is not the best spinner. So I consider it more a collector than a player top.  Besides that, yes the size and feel is very similar.


Hola Jorge,
Can I get one of the 3rd gen turbos, and a 1st gen naraja if possible
El 3rd turbo que no sea rojo porfavor :D, y el 1st gen naraja si es posible, que el verde que tengo le hize agujeros ;D


Ok, Omar, the 3rd gen is yours (no more available, sorry). I can also get you the orange 1st gen. Send me a PM.

The blue Turbo Ultra is still available.


I just got the tops yesterday, i couldnt stop playing all night long..i was pretty rusty but those "trompos" are awesome. After almost 10 years of not playing, i forgot how to play  :( . but its ok, i'm getting the hang of it again.
Thanks a lot Jorge!



I'm feeling it, I get mine next week


i am having a hard time waiting as well. my tops should be in my mailbox mid next week. i know i wont be disappointed. YEAH!!!


From Salvador and myself, than you all!


Gracias ta0
I just received my package, I really like this trompos, y los colores are awesome
Thank you