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Started by Takeshi, November 11, 2010, 11:00:25 AM

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I'm not sure if this would count as a yo-yo trick or a top trick at a contest, but either way, it was fun.  My first attempts at a SutterCopter style helicopter with a top and a yo-yo. I gotta work out some kinks, but so far... I like it :)


Very Cool!!!!....................and scary
To everything turn, turn, turn..................

Larry D.

Pretty cool!!!...I definitely like it!  8)


JohnBot gives the best reviews  :)

My review is as follows:

                  SAGOOSAWHACK!!!  You are covered in cheese.

jim in paris

pretty cool trick

thanx TAK ;D

how about a yoyo-top tangler ?


"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


SWEET trick and i think a tangler is possible.


Vintage Takeshi, nice!

I like to watch it but I don't think I have what it takes to practice that trick.


You may have invented a whole new style of playing!
Every jam we play, we break two needles
There's three of us but we're not the Beatles
My name is Beau, you can call him B
You can call me Beau Matt Compt, or you can call him BMC
People always ask, "BMC, what does it mean?"
Well I just told you.


Looks like there will have to be a new yo-top division in competitions.
"Could switching to GEICO really save you 15 percent or more on car insurance?"

...Is a top in the hand worth two on the floor?


Just now I realize the name is Helitopter not Helicopter  ;D
Maybe this version should be called YoTopter (yoyotopter, yolitopter?) and leave Helitopter for the double spintop version: are you going to attempt that?


not as kid friendly, but i would have called it hellyotopter, or, if i had to
try to learn it, hellnotopter.
that has got to be one of the coolest tricks ever, whatever you call it!

the Earl of Whirl

Nice.  I like the music, too!

Good work, Takeshi.
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


lol, thanks guys!

The original name was "Hella-Topter", but I wanted to make it a little more family friendly. 

I have been working HARD on a top top helicopter type trick the past 4'ish years and while it IS possible, it's totally kicking my butt!  The top in my right hand goes over and under (like in helitopter) and the top in my left hand is laying horizontal at the bottom of the string which is pinched in my left hand.  The horizontal top does 1 around the world in one direction then precesses 180 and then I do an around the world in the other direction... over and over and over.... it's soooo tough.  I'll get it one day though.  OH!  You are all welcome to try it... PLEASE!  lol, the timing is rough!

Now yoyo-top tangler is something I definitely want to try!  I am pretty darn sure it is possible, but probably not for more than a couple repetitions.  I some of the 2A yo-yo players can do something similar.  I'll try :)


 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
That's my boy!  Thanks Tak, we Neffs love you and the crew.