Takeshi's US Nat's 2010 Modded BKs

Started by Takeshi, October 05, 2010, 10:13:55 AM

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I really really hated missing Nat's this year.  It looks like everyone had stepped up their game, both yo-yo and top players.  I was hoping for a trick innovation session with Darren and anyone/everyone else.

I modded up a bunch of tops for Nat's, but since I never made it out, I've decided to throw them out here for you guys if you're interested.  They are all used tops!  None of these tops are pristine, but they are all in good working condition.  They have all been balanced, cleaned bearings and new tape has been added where the lid and body meet.  Unfortunately these do not come with strings or buttons.  I'm gonna give these up for $20 each + $5 shipping per order within the US.  If you're interested, please let me know by Thursday night!  Friday morning I will be mailing out these mods, because Saturday I will be heading out of town for a few weeks.

Mods 1-5
These have lids that have been hollowed out to get rid of all that center weight, but mods 1-5 have the top of the lid shaved down as well.  This makes the top lighter and easier to throw around a bit faster.

Mods 6-10
The lids have been hollowed out, but the lid has not been shaved down.  These do feel lighter than a stock BK, but the play has not changed much compared to a stock BK.

Mod 11
A light up mod I made for fun.  This does vibe a little bit, but totally playable.  I am positive that this top can be smoothed out by someone that knows how to balance the BKs and is more patient that I am ;) 

You can look at more pictures of these tops here...

If you have any questions or you want to grab one of these bad boys, post here, send me a private message or shoot me an email.  newschool101 (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks y'all!



i'd like the #2 top.
thanks, i will pm you.

Larry D.

I sent you a PM for #3 and #10.
Thanks much.


Are you signing them on the inside? You should!


Larry D.

If you do sign them inside...use the light ink so it doesn't throw off the balance.  :)




9 for me
difference between 4*9 is that u shaved the crown? like a diet RC?


Here's an update on what's left avaible...

Thank you very much for helping me out!



Quote from: Tomymoonly on October 05, 2010, 02:54:11 PM
9 for me
difference between 4*9 is that u shaved the crown? like a diet RC?

Yes, the only difference is the shaved crown.


Dang Tak - you move product well!
And your X's are getting better  :P

How did you get the pink ones... so pink?


@Neff- I used Tamiya spray paint.  Available at better model/hobby stores.  It's kind of expensive, but by far the best paint I've found. 

I honestly can't remember exactly what the pink was.  I know it was either their fluorescent pink or a mix of fluorescent pink and fluorescent orange.  I wish I knew, but it's been so long.


couldn't help but notice that #5 looks lonely.
draw an X through that sucker.
i'll get another check in the mail.
thanks man, i still get excited about bearing tops, i know that's a
rookie thing around here, but what can i say?


#5 is yours!

So here's how things stand now, just three tops left.  Numbers 7, 8 and 11.  Thank you guys for all your support!