Relampago Patch

Started by jmadrigal, July 23, 2024, 07:13:26 PM

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I have been planning to make a patch for 4 years now. I had the tricks and made some nice patches, but somehow never did it. Well this last weekend I made it a priority to record the tricks and here is the Relampago Patch. A fixed tip top must be used and all tricks must end with a spinner in the hand. More details in the trick list below.
Make a video, post it and EARN THIS PATCH!

1. Guillotine
2. Ghost Snap
3. Jump Rope x10
4. Reverse Jump Rope x10
5. Sun Choker x10
6. Reverse Martillo (perform a reverse martillo out of standard martillo then back into the martillos)
7. Body Jump
8. Sun (Inside Both Arms)
9. Rainbow (should be clearly over head)

the Earl of Whirl

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Very nice tricks, I enjoyed your video!
Well above my level though....

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Thanks, I hope there will be some who try it out.
I made some nice patches to send out.  :)


Very nice! And challenging!

I don't have a choice, I will have to do it, as it's now the only patch I'm missing. I'm sure it will take me many hours . . . but it always feels nice when one completes a patch.

I'm very glad somebody added a new patch. They are a great motivator.


Jose, you should put the pic of your new patch down in the area of your forum signature where the other patches are. You earned it well!

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary


Quote from: ta0 on July 26, 2024, 11:43:07 PM
I don't have a choice, I will have to do it, as it's now the only patch I'm missing. ...

Oh, that darn collector gene that seeks for completeness!
Still happy that it is not that strongly expressed with me.  >:D

In the broader world of tops, nothing's everything!  —  Jeremy McCreary

jim in paris

salut josé

bravo for the patch

relampago rules ok

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


The virtual Relampago patch to add to the signature once you obtain it:

It looks really nice!


Thanks Ortwin for the recomendation to get the pic made for the signature block. Didn't even occur to me until you mentioned it.

Thank you Jim!

Jorge, I apreciate you adding the pic for the patch.


Oh man, have you given me some motivation! I've had the idea of getting all the patches for fun in the back of my head for a while but now I might actually try and make it happen. Awesome trick list! A few of these are gonna be a good challenge.


Wow, super cool.  I like it...can't do it, but I like it.  :)

Well done.
Erratic Wobbler


I did it:

Ta0, it's your turn.  ;)

I really enjoyed re-learning a few of these for this patch.

The reverse jumpropes were a trick I remembered trying in the past, but I decided I couldn't land them consistently enough.

José, is Sun Choker the same trick as Toboganes? I had never heard them referred to as that before, so I just went off of what it looked like you did in your video.


Very nicely done, Texture! I think Jose will approve it.

Quote from: Texture on February 02, 2025, 01:21:08 AMJosé, is Sun Choker the same trick as Toboganes? I had never heard them referred to as that before, so I just went off of what it looked like you did in your video.

I would also say that the sun choker are toboganes. Perhaps, they jump a little early to be proper toboganes. I have seen toboganes where the top doesn't leave the string until it hits the other string (they look like a yoyo side mount), but those are difficult to regen.

Quote from: Texture on February 02, 2025, 01:21:08 AMTa0, it's your turn.  ;)
I know, but it will take a while. Right now, I'm working on the Aborigen trick to complete Spintricks awards list. I will add it to the patch list although it's a little different, with 10 pins plus a cap. We need a virtual patch for it.