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a jack

Started by Jack, May 27, 2015, 06:49:13 PM

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friends.......i come with a heavy heart. ive come to bring awareness to an epidemic that is sweeping accross canada..........nay........the world. gentlemen, everyday millions of tops around the world suffer needlessy.......these majestic entities are used......and abused......and then left to freeze on our tables, our shelves and in our top boxes.............gentlmen i am calling for an end to their suffering! that is why i am proud to anounce that i am standing up for the rights of spintops around the world and saying "no! you cant just leave that there! u cant!" gentlmen..........i give to you:
toques for tops
a campaign to rid every spintop of the harsh cold of being still. gentlemen let us give our tops a real "rest" where they can be warm! and comfertable! and feel wanted! and let them know yes we care, yes we appreciate, yes we will give them the best damn life a top could have! we owe it to our tops gentlemen..........we at least owe them that much.........thank you for your time.............

this has been a public service annoucement by jack........which means in no way shape or form should said annoucement, or for that matter jack in general, be taken fact im not sure whos idea it was to let that jackass on here @-@
thank you


Excellent!  Did you knit them yourself?


Well said!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

That was really funny!!!!


Quote from: mailman on May 27, 2015, 07:19:32 PM
Excellent!  Did you knit them yourself?

thank you sir. yes indeed........i knit real hardcore like eh  8)

Quote from: ta0 on May 27, 2015, 07:25:32 PM
Well said!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

That was really funny!!!!

thank you sir!


Really? A fellow knitter AND top spinner?  How cool is that?   ;D


the Earl of Whirl

I am not familiar with toques.  It is not a normal Ohio phrase. 

I have studied up and now I know more about toques for tops!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!




Every good campaign needs a rousing song!
Perhaps this is worth consideration. ;)  (No tops in this video.  You've been warned so no apologies if you get this song stuck in your head today.  >:D )

Earl, note at 0:40
question: How come he's not wearin' a toque?   ???
answer: Oh, he's not from the Great White North, eh.   ::)

the Earl of Whirl

I learned a few things from that video.

First of all, I learned "toque" is really pronounced "teuuuu - ke".

I also learned that I have been going the wrong way with my trips heading south to North Carolina and Florida because I should "take off to the great white north"!
Happiness runs in a circular motion!!!


Quote from: lincolnrick on May 27, 2015, 09:14:04 PM
Well done Jack.

thank you thank you  8)

Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on May 27, 2015, 10:13:27 PM
I am not familiar with toques.  It is not a normal Ohio phrase. 

I have studied up and now I know more about toques for tops!

thats the spirit there eh bud!

Quote from: cecil on May 27, 2015, 11:47:08 PM


Quote from: johnm on May 28, 2015, 05:33:41 AM

Every good campaign needs a rousing song!
Perhaps this is worth consideration. ;)  (No tops in this video.  You've been warned so no apologies if you get this song stuck in your head today.  >:D )

Earl, note at 0:40
question: How come he's not wearin' a toque?   ???
answer: Oh, he's not from the Great White North, eh.   ::)

good grief bud i havnt seen those distinguished boys since i was back up the ottawa valley there eh
exccelent song for a campaign eh, beauty beauty  ;)

Quote from: the Earl of Whirl on May 28, 2015, 09:11:44 AM
I learned a few things from that video.

First of all, I learned "toque" is really pronounced "teuuuu - ke".

I also learned that I have been going the wrong way with my trips heading south to North Carolina and Florida because I should "take off to the great white north"!

glad to hear it there eh bud. you may find this video even more informative, red green has been a staple of every canadian life and has provided an outstanding education for many young canadians eh that is when they arent playing shinny (because if its winter red green can wait because why the hell are you inside bud if theres ice to skate on out there eh bud!?).


Quote from: mailman on May 27, 2015, 08:53:38 PM
Really? A fellow knitter AND top spinner?  How cool is that?   ;D

you knit aswell?! good grief thats a coincidence! this calls for a kniting pattern!  ;D
gentlmen! behold the patern for an officious touqe for tops, it will fit a lonely and cold hp hornet wonderfully  ;)

cast on 32 sts on double pointed needles or magic loop needle thingies
knit 1 1/4'' of 3x1 rib
knit 13 rows of stockinnete
knit 1 knit 2 together knit 1 knit 2 together etc etc for the entire row
knit 3 rows stockinette
knit 2 together knit 2 together knit 2 together etc etc for the entire row
how i like to end toques is detailed in the end of this video here:

after that simply make yourself a pom pom of any desired size and poof! officious toque for a top! @-@

edit: just relised i forgot the tension, its 5 sts pi


gentlmen! i feel we digress! for this is not simply a "canadian" problem, this is an michigan problem a new orleans problem a skullbone tennessee problem and gentlmen im agrieved to is an epidemic facing hundreds of tops in that most beloved of destinations....miamisberg. that is why soon as i can get my hands on more yarn by god i will send you one for that most blessed of places known as miamisburg  :'(

edit: it has just occured to me: mike is your church in miamisberg or do u just travel over there every year?  :-[


Quote from: Jack on May 28, 2015, 10:41:49 AM
Quote from: mailman on May 27, 2015, 08:53:38 PM
Really? A fellow knitter AND top spinner?  How cool is that?   ;D

you knit aswell?! good grief thats a coincidence! this calls for a kniting pattern!  ;D
gentlmen! behold the patern for an officious touqe for tops, it will fit a lonely and cold hp hornet wonderfully  ;)

cast on 32 sts on double pointed needles or magic loop needle thingies
knit 1 1/4'' of 3x1 rib
knit 13 rows of stockinnete
knit 1 knit 2 together knit 1 knit 2 together etc etc for the entire row
knit 3 rows stockinette
knit 2 together knit 2 together knit 2 together etc etc for the entire row
how i like to end toques is detailed in the end of this video here:

after that simply make yourself a pom pom of any desired size and poof! officious toque for a top! @-@

Yes, indeed, I am a knitter.  I knit mostly hats, with a group that gives them to chemotherapy patients and the homeless.  We meet once a week, and I thoroughly enjoy it. 

I like the way that lady ends her toques in that video, btw.  I'm going to have to try that....


Quote from: mailman on May 28, 2015, 11:54:25 AM

Yes, indeed, I am a knitter.  I knit mostly hats, with a group that gives them to chemotherapy patients and the homeless.  We meet once a week, and I thoroughly enjoy it. 

I like the way that lady ends her toques in that video, btw.  I'm going to have to try that....

wow so your knitting for an actual good cause, i admire you sir