Vote for the 2012 spintop photo of the year

Started by ta0, January 01, 2013, 07:05:31 PM

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Vote for the 3 best top photos of 2012

 1_ Three Musketeers at Notre Dame (Ludo)
10 (35.7%)
 2_ Help me spin this top! (Mauk)
9 (32.1%)
 3_ Raising the Top (ta0)
5 (17.9%)
 4_ Rick and his friends (lincolnrick)
1 (3.6%)
 5_ Czech spring (czyoyo)
3 (10.7%)
 6_ Sunset eclipse (ta0)
2 (7.1%)
 7_ Storming the castle (trompillo)
5 (17.9%)
 8_ Mexican street vendor (MatiasStuntMan)
6 (21.4%)
 9_ Top face (Neff)
14 (50%)
10_Between acts (Mark Hayward)
10 (35.7%)
11_ Loosing up (Mark Hayward)
0 (0%)
12_ Creation myth (Neff)
10 (35.7%)
13_ Black belt skills (Mark Magyar)
1 (3.6%)

Total Members Voted: 28

Voting closed: January 06, 2013, 07:10:03 PM


EDIT: the second round voting thread with the final results was merged at the end of this one.


Use the poll above to vote for the 3 most deserving photos. After initial voting ends in 5 days, there will be a new round between the 3 photos with the most votes.  Here they are:

1_ Three Musketeers at Notre Dame (Ludo)

2_ Help me spin this top! (Mauk)

3_ Raising the Top (ta0)

4_ Rick and his friends (lincolnrick)

5_ Czech spring (czyoyo)

6_ Sunset eclipse (ta0)

7_ Storming the castle (trompillo)

8_ Mexican street vendor (MatiasStuntMan)

9_ Top face (Neff)

10_ Between acts (Mark Hayward)

11_ Loosing up (Mark Hayward)

12_ Creation myth (Neff)

13_ Black belt skills (Mark Magyar)


I count 35 votes with 13 voters so far.  It seems 2 people only gave two votes each.

It is a pity Kyo did not post the worlds photos on time: I am sure they would have been serious contenders.

Surprisingly, this year no photos were nominated with tops spinning in the hands of cute kiddos (except Tyler  ;D )

Each time I see the eclipse photo I think what the photo could had been if I had had a proper spintop with me, plus a camera with a telephoto lens . . .


I am one cute kiddo!  ;D ;D ;D

With a different lens, the eclipse photo could have been allot better. :-\

I bet that Mexican street vendor would never think that she is a top contender in a photo contest! :D



Quote from: Dojo-yoyo7 on January 02, 2013, 11:34:30 AM
Neff is first so far!
YEAH!  Vince D. took the picture, he is a dear friend and also the guy who taught me how to eat fire :) 

jim in paris

hi Chris to eat fire
oddly enough in french we "spit" fire  un "cracheur de feu" !
which is more like the real thing ... ;)

ever tried to fire chocolate powder ? it was part of the teaching in a workshop some years ago...

"oeuvre de coeur prend tout un homme"


Quote from: jim in paris on January 03, 2013, 12:22:52 PM
hi Chris to eat fire
oddly enough in french we "spit" fire  un "cracheur de feu" !
which is more like the real thing ... ;)

ever tried to fire chocolate powder ? it was part of the teaching in a workshop some years ago...

Fire breathing (spitting) is entirely different from fire eating (swallowing). Fire eating does not produce fireballs... it is more subtle, like this (this is Vince):


I absolutely love the photo contest. It's so fun! And it keeps being fun all year long.


(this thread was merged after final voting).

The results of the first round were:

1 - Top Face by Neff - 14 votes
2 - Three Musketeers at Notre Dame (Ludo) - 10 votes
2 - Between acts (Mark Hayward) - 10 votes
2 - Creation myth (Neff) - 10 votes
5 - Help me spin this top! (Mauk) - 9 votes
6 - Mexican street vendor (MatiasStuntMan) - 6 votes
7 - Raising the Top (ta0) - 5 votes
7 - Storming the castle (trompillo) - 5 votes
9 - Czech spring (czyoyo) - 3 votes
10- Sunset eclipse (ta0) - 2 votes
11 - Rick and his friends (lincolnrick) - 1 vote
11 - Black belt skills (Mark Magyar) - 1 vote
13 - Loosing up (Mark Hayward) - 0 votes

A total of 28 members gave 76 votes so not everybody selected three photographs (I think it had to be either 20x3+8x2, 21x3+6x2+1x1 or 22x3+4x2+2x1).

The highest 3 vote gatherers go to the final vote.  But we had a triple tie for second place.  As Neff has two photos and it makes no sense that he competes against himself, Creation Myth will not run.

You have 2 days to vote for the winner.  This time the results will be hidden until the end. Good luck!

Here are the finalist again:

1_ Three Musketeers at Notre Dame (Ludo)

2_ Top face (Neff)

3_ Between acts (Mark Hayward)



well, a long permanence in the limbo.
How do I vote?
This was first round....
so I will wait the second one to give my vote to the pic with Gus in the México City´s downtown.Or, if possible, please, Sir ta0, Knight of the Queen, put my vote to Gus´s pic.
I know that there ´s a big lacking ofmine into answer many topic, from many many weeks ago, but, I hope this next saturday I will have enough time to write here.
I now am working in Aztek City (I am not joking,  literally, I am working there)
Last week I was in San Antonio, but only a brief period of time.

Justin, I just have read your message some minutes ago.
I really do want to thank you a real bunch!!!!
Next time I will write you and I´ll give you my feet measure.
It´s very kind from you

Stay tunned. A new regeneration coming soon.... ;D



I am sorry Huitzi, but this is the second and final vote and the photo I took of Gus at the Zócalo is out of the running  :(

So far, only 11 members have voted on this round, compared to the 28 who voted on the first round. Voting ends tomorrow, Thursday.


Voting closes in just 2 hours.  So far, 16 members voted. 


Sorry Mark My vote for your pic was 33 sec after the deadline.


CONGRATULATIONS CHRIS! You are the winner of the 2012 spintop photo contest!

1- Top Face (Neff) _ 9 votes
2- Three Musketeers at Notre Dame (Ludo) - 5 votes
2- Between acts (Mark Hayward) - 5 votes

Again, Ludo's and Mark's photo tied for second.

We had an outstanding set of photographs. I hope for 2013 we have even more entries.  I am sure everybody is already thinking about the perfect photograph ;)

Thanks to all who entered photographs or voted.